Limerick Poems About Tortoise | Tortoise Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Wayne Wysocki |
Categories: humor, humorous, race,

Bunny Flop

a limerick by Wayne Wysocki

The tortoise and hare had a race
But the rabbit came in second place
      So the notion that speed
      Makes the win guaranteed
Just isn't always the case.

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other tortoise Poems."

Poem Details | by Lindsay Laurie |
Categories: food, humor,


For an exotic meal I pursued,
Not expecting one that did include,
Some baked tortoise tails
Amongst a plate of snails...
But I think I’ll just stick to fast food.

Poem Details | by T Wignesan |
Categories: race,

Limerick: Once Lucy Met Heidelberg Man

Limerick: Once Lucy met Heidelberg Man

   for Nelson Mandela

Once Lucy met Heidelberg Man
Then Neanderthal and Peking Man
Tortoise said to the Turtle:
“Where’s your doggone girdle!”
“What a disgrace to my race,” said Bushman!

© TWignesan – Paris, 2013

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: america,

Aesop Arizona

A bunny can hop, jump, and leap
And sit up straight whilst fast asleep 
A tortoise must climb
One step at a time
Spurred on by the Roadrunner's beep

Poem Details | by Mark Toney |
Categories: fun, humorous, tribute, word play, words,

Michelle and Morris In a Nutshell

Michelle introduced us to Morris
Most prolific thesaurus tortoise
Her wording profuse
Just like DrSeuss
She most certainly didn't bore us

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Escort Us To a Tortoise

Escort Us To a Tortoise

While I was riding around on a tortoise,
Had suffered from case of rigor mortis;
Thought  was best;
Was hard to digest;
We named first child Unum EPluribus.

Jim Horn 


Dug own grave with hands being shortest.