Limerick Poems About Swimming | Swimming Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Wren Rushing |
Categories: animal, food, humor,

Shark In the Soup

In my soup I could have sworn I saw a shark.
Swimming in roux that was rather dark.
But to my relief,
the fin a bay leaf.
Now I wear glasses before each meal I start.


Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other swimming Poems."

Poem Details | by Silent One |
Categories: fun,

Thirsty Johnny

Johnny sat bored at a swimming parade,
became thirsty watching the retrograde.
Dipped his head in the pool.
but felt like such a fool.
Silly boy thought it was blue Gatorade!

Poem Details | by Mark Goodson |
Categories: childhood, children, happiness, inspirational, life, philosophy, school, teen, uplifting,

These Coming Summer Days

Tis splendor in the grass these coming summer days
America’s youth can have their privileged adolescent ways
Swimming and playing or simply being laid back
They have little worries without any teacher’s flack
Enrich they youngish self before the inevitable groans of early Mondays

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: funny,

Ain'T That the Way Fat Goes

With swimming suit season so near,

Ruthie wanted to lose her huge rear.

But she lost what was best -

luscious curves from her chest.

Then she needed a tiny brassiere!

Poem Details | by Nancy Jones |
Categories: brother, nature, peace,

Polka Dot Swimming Trunks

In Florida one right hot summer
A free soul was havin' a bummer
So in spray painted undies
Next holiday Monday
He split to the Springs with his rummer.


Equally inspired by a net(te) comment and the lovely natural resources in North Florida

Poem Details | by Jason Talbott |
Categories: fantasy, funny, places

A New Monster In Loch Ness

I saw the huge beast from the dock.
The scene evoked bowel loosening shock.
Run and hide, Nessie!
It's about to get messy.
Rosie O'Donnell* is swimming in the Loch.

(*or insert your "favorite" celebrity name here)

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: weather,

Pool Weather

John John, my buddy, have you any snow Yes sir, yes sir, a whole driveway full and mo' Scenery must be great Too much on your plate? Move to Canada, swimming in our pool today, bro © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Dean Wood |
Categories: fish, sea,

I Wish I Were a Skate

I wish I were a swimming skate
I’d swim in schools; that would be great!
I would sit in class
Between shark and bass
Then play hooky and take debate

May 3, 2018

For Viv Wigley’s  “I wish I was a”  Contest

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: rainforest,


During a lifetime we all produce saliva, enough To fill two swimming pools, WOW! that's a lot of stuff Statistics on the Net For everything you get Not going further, coz it may cause disgust

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Dry Swimming Pool

Dry Swimming Pool

He learned how to play with a loose tool;
Suffered from much criticism and ridicule,
When he had lied,
After a while died,
Being fool who dove into dry swimming pool.

Jim Horn

Poem Details | by Cheryl Hoffman |
Categories: humor, water,


Swimming in the water was my plan,
on the way felt the hotness of the sand,
rolling in wave,
wanted to escape,
bikini gone nudity was banned.


Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: friendship,

The Soup Is Swimming

The Soup is swimming with amazing peeps Animals and vegetables, loaded with heaps Can't imagine no yummies No Soup for the tummy Would throw in my napkin and sit there and weep

Poem Details | by Funom Makama |
Categories: abuse, adventure, angst, anxiety, culture, growing up, nature,

Homely Freedom Search

From parents to all peers, a groomed tossing puck
so much care quite good with sour contents to suck
a growing cadet
but still a midget
chill and calm is the wind for this swimming duck.

Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: body, water,

Tales From the River Bank

Sues uses her ‘flotation tanks’, When swimming between river banks, Her boobs keep her afloat, She won’t need a lifeboat, For boobies us gals can give thanks! 07/30/20

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: appreciation, blessing,

Looked All Around

Looked All Around

Woke up and looked all around
Still safe, sane, secure and sound
Slept having some nice dreams
Fish swimming in swift streams
My heart did pleasantly pound.

Jim Horn

Poem Details | by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: humorous,

Gold Medalist

A young star athlete in Tokyo Was born with crippling polio He overcame the stress By swimming his best He now has gold in his portfolio
written July 24, 2021

Poem Details | by Jeff Kyser |
Categories: beach,

Swimming At the Beach

The infinity edge is quite cool;
All those jellyfish are for the fools.
One thing ‘bout the water:
The sun makes it hotter,
Or it might be the pee in the pool.

Poem Details | by Crystol Woods |
Categories: 1st grade, child, funny, humor, nonsense, water,

Swim At Your Own Risk

Swimming in the pool was Lou- Lou, In distress yelled, ”MA! Gotta poo !” Momma was too late. So the cowboy, Nate, stuck in head n'said, “Howdy-DOO!”

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: summer,

Summer Swimwear Advice

When we’re swimming, it’s kind of a sin
showing too much of some parts of skin.
So please do be kind.
Make sure your behind
doesn’t bulge from the swimsuit you’re in

Poem Details | by Robert Gorelick |
Categories: humorous,

A Corrupt Politician

A politician from a town outside Dallas
is cruel corrupt, mean and callous
He takes funding from schools
builds his friends swimming pools
and buys antiques to furnish his palace

A STRAND (1072)' 
Sponsor: Brian Strand
First Place Winner

Written 2/11/22

Poem Details | by Shirley Hawkins |
Categories: 10th grade,

Making a Splash

Jim was a silly fool.
Who fell into his swimming pool.
He wasn't a swimmer
He could not be dimmer.
It was very very uncool

Poem Details | by Shirley Hawkins |
Categories: 10th grade,

A Fool

Paul was a silly fool
Who fell into a swimming pool
He could not swim
Too bad for him
Isn't this limerick cruel


Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy, political,

Give Redicule To a Fool

Give Redicule To A Fool

He learned how to play with a loose tool;
Always suffering from criticism and ridicule;
When he lied,
People out cried;
Called poem, "Fool diving into dry swimming pool."

James Thesarious Hilarious Horn

Poem Details | by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, allusion, fantasy, imagination, metaphor, nonsense,

Difficult Situations To See Happen

It's not simple to find a train at sea
or eye planes climbing on the trees
 never got to sight ox fly
fish swimming in river dry
 boats travelling rails sailing free

Poem Details | by Vladimir Tumanov |
Categories: earth, humor, humorous, irony, satire,

Swimming In Norway

Climate warming is bunkum some say. But I wonder what happened one day, when a stark naked horde swam and splashed in a fjord in mid-winter in balmy Norway