Limerick Poems About Stars | Star Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Jan Allison |
Categories: giving, poetry,

The Pm Fairy Strikes Again

A PM fairy's busy this year, Bringing souper's some much needed cheer Check if you have a star A kind gift from afar No doubt you're grinning from ear to ear! 1/07/20

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other star Poems."

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: funny, political,

Guiding Star O'Er Washington

I pray a  bright star will shine in the air

    O'er Washington to guide some wise men there

        Bringing gifts of commonsense

            And harmony to dispense

                To a nation that is in disrepair

Robert LHinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: betrayal, career, dark, evil, satire, true love,

Life With T-Rump Xxi

Donald's faithful to his red star
Putin loves the Don from afar
Bizarre it may seem
It's been Vladimir's dream
To have an American Tsar

Poem Details | by Mike Youds |
Categories: funny, science fiction,

Star Whores

Obi Wan Kenobi
Said “dooby do be dobie”
He wasn’t one but nearly two
And didn’t know just what to do
In his brownie, Kenobi robe(y)

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: space, wind,

Star Ship Enterprise

"May the Force be with you!" Spock said
Leaving poor Jan shaking her head
For Bones does not care
That fills Jan with air
Since Kirk logs, "Warp Speed Launch" instead

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: star, success,

Shine and Twinkle

An aspiring actor named Max Finkel
  Felt that his star would soon shine and twinkle ~
    He just needed one small part
    That would provide him a start ~ 
  Played a 'Hobo:' Max tinkled and stinkled

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: humor,

Star Lite

Some people are up to no good
And seldom behave like they should
When in Tinseltown
They let their hair down
Knowing starlets like Holly would

Poem Details | by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Wise Men Had Been Following

Wise Men Had Been Following

Wise Men had been following a bright star;
Distance they had been traveling was far
And in the night,
Should turn right;
With their camels they did start to spar.

Jim Horn

Poem Details | by Jennifer Proxenos |
Categories: beautiful,


Time to take my patch off, I’ve been somewhat wobbly
Everything beautiful, everything bright,
So much clearer in black and white,
No double vision this time, I promise you honestly,
During my op visited our galaxy, am addicted to astrology

Poem Details | by Brett Estes |
Categories: fun, poems, science fiction,

Rey: a Star Wars Limerick

There was a woman who lived on Jakku, 

who lived in a robot and ate stew,

she met some droids,

and fought people on steroids,

and flew a frater too.

Poem Details | by Warner Baxter |
Categories: funny, hilarious, humorous, jobs, rude, society, star,

Hedgehog - Adult


Poem Details | by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: humor,


Yoda clever was right on cue
And Obie did swell tae kwon do
But one day unique
In star wars double speak
Must be "May the 4th" be with you

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: funny, nostalgia

Mickey Mouse

This is written with tons of tongue  in cheek

   But I loved watching Mickey Mouse each week

      He was my favorite star

         Outshone Donny Duck by far

            A talking mouse ne'er to utter a squeak

Robert LHinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by Marisa Moynihan |
Categories: happiness, how i feel, inspiration, music, star,

David Bowie

This idol, this man holds a place in my heart

He speaks of Ziggy Star Dust and Major Tom, so I don't know were to start

He played as a king of a goblin land

Watching and listening to him makes me crumble like sand

David Bowie s melodies and performances are genuinely an art.

Poem Details | by Poet. Undertaker |
Categories: humor,

Super Star

Once there was an actor called Solomon” the Super star”
Demonstration of falseness and pretense for Oscar
A show of diligence
No show of dog race
Bloody, ultimately no gold is super star better hopeless star!

Poem Details | by Jimmy Anderson |
Categories: animals, music, song-lyric

Zebra Star

There once was a zebra from China.
Who liked to sing songs in D minor.
    His voice was the rage
    When they put him on stage.
He rode out of town a headliner!

For Deborah Guzzi's Limerick II Contest

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: relationship,

Lone Star State

A lady who loves oral sex
Took to bed 3 cowboys named, "Tex"
One was well-hung
One for his tongue
And the third for his Rolodex

Poem Details | by Quentin Ehlinger |
Categories: music,

Sing Out

To sing out the Star Spangled Banner
In the most appropriate manner
You must have four
To sound out more
And highlight that new fangled scanner

Poem Details | by Tom Quigley |
Categories: baseball, memory, sports, time,

Raul Mondesi, Jr

Raul Mondesi is back from wherever he’d been hid
Storming into the Big Leagues and making another bid
But he played over a decade ago
Guess for me time hasn’t gone slow
And the rising star this year is Mondesi’s kid


Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: addiction,

Star Wars

Just came back from a Star Wars viewing “FANTASTIC” now I understand all the hulaballooing It sure blew me away Don't know what else to say No words can describe it, my mind is schmoozing © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Poet. Undertaker |
Categories: humor,

Cigar, the Might

Once there was a man called Cigar, the might
His wonder-statement “Might is always right”
Verity when supposed never
Wind somebody up for sure
Bloody this Cigar could only be a movie starright?

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humorous,

The Bells Rang Out

Along with Judy Garland, this star was born Twas for me, they rang the bells and sounded the horns Yup! Li'l ole me On my mommies knee Destined for greatness but my mind was stillborn © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: fun, silly,

As I Play My Sitar

So many times I've wished on a star Still not rich, it ain't working so far Perhaps if I cheat And offer a treat Like a girl star to cuddle while I play my sitar © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Russell Sivey |
Categories: dream, life, star,

Dream World Star

I desire to enter the light of the dream world Where everything has hope, so I may get the girl The stars all shine above Giving off a special love Nothing is as bright as the star that gives a twirl
Russell Sivey

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: giggle,

Where Oh Where Did My Little Friend Go

Where oh where did my little friend go He used to be the brightest star of my show Now shy and reserved Seems to have lost his nerve Guess old age is finally taking its toll © Jack Ellison 2015