Limerick Poems About Spider | Spider Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Larry Belt |
Categories: funny

Closet Case

She looks like death on a crippled spider
Hips like an elephant, maybe wider
My friends came over and saw
My ugly mother-in-law
Next time they come they want me to hide her

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other spider Poems."

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: animals

Bess' Pet Spider

"I have a sweet spider," Bess said.
"Don't fear it; just pet it instead!"
But just then "sweet" spider
proceeded to bite 'er.
She stomped on it till it was dead!

For Carolyn and John's Limericks Contest:
"Are You Bugged?"

Poem Details | by James Fraser |
Categories: funnymyth,

It's a Myth, Women Do Like Spiders

The woman who dreamt of a spider
Awoke to find it inside her
With a scream and a yell
she thought, " oh! what the hell"
Eight hands, oh my! what a provider

Poem Details | by Poet. Undertaker |
Categories: humor,

Secret Deal

Once there was a dame called Rose Mary”the charter”
“Man with a monkey face, elastic arm” her character
Iron man, He Man, Superman, 
Spider man, are great power men
Bloody patent this character, for trillion dollars sure!

Poem Details | by William Robinson |
Categories: animals, children, funny,

Crawl, Paul

A young, macho spider named Paul
Imagined himself ten feet tall.
At friend's warnings he sneezed--
Said he'd crawl where he pleased.
Now Paul's just a stain on the wall.

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: funny,

Granddaddy Brotherhood

There was once a granddaddy spider who

   I was a-fixin' to stomp with my shoe

      It made me think twice

         That wouldn't be nice

            He's a granddaddy and I are one too

Robert LHinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
© All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by Tirzah Conway |
Categories: animals, funny

Spiders, Yuck!

There is a spider on my wall, I tried to squish it with a baseball; But I only made it mad, Oh man, this is bad, Why am I afraid of something so small.

Poem Details | by Brenden Taylor |
Categories: animals, inspirational

A Spider Will Crawl On the Floor

A spider will crawl on the floor

And often will stop at a door;

I think that he's waiting

And maybe debating

On whether he wants something more.

Poem Details | by William Robinson |
Categories: animals, children, funny,

Pickled Spider

Now, wasn't it sad about Snyder,
The light hearted, fun loving spider?
He got a gnat in his eye,
While pursuing a fly,
And fell into a barrel of cider.

Poem Details | by Gert W. Knop |
Categories: animals

Spider Bill

A boy had a spider called Bill
which gave his sister always a chill
one day a cat came into their house
but instead of catching a mouse
she had eaten up poor little Bill

For Jon's Limerick-Contest

Poem Details | by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Categories: angst, animals

A Drunken Spider

A Drunken Spider

There once was a huge golden-silk spider.
Bobby Joe ran to sit down beside her.
He threw some sticks at her web.
Her frustrations did not ebb.
So, he sprayed on a liquor elixir.

© August 4, 2010
Dane Smith-Johnsen

Poem Details | by Cecil Hickman |
Categories: funny, holiday, people, satire

One Hallows Eve

Halloween spider queen, I did attend
Wig, stockings, black dress, makeup, heels, suspend
Whistles and catcalls they came.
Mystical night all the same,
I had such fun, succeeding this pretend.

Poem Details | by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: analogy, dream, funny,

The Trap of Tapestry

I wish that I was a crafty spider Out of nothing weave my cobweb wider, A honey bee you want to be Trap of tapestry you won’t see, I’ll catch you there if you’re a dream rider.
May 3, 2018.

Poem Details | by Ann Peck |
Categories: sexy, smile,

Grown Up Miss Muffet

Grown Miss Muffet put “tuffet” on display
family quickly denounced her as a stray
       Muffet found bike rider
       who called himself Spider
 and, after curds, he and she sped a-whey

May 12, 2023

Poem Details | by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: angst, fear, halloween, holiday, insect, nature, scary,

The Web

Whispers of soft breath sliced straight through The strands of the spider webs glue Halloween goblins hissed Mocking spiders they kissed Excited when the web caught dew

Poem Details | by Caryl Muzzey |
Categories: funny

Sticky Spider

A black spider got stuck in his lair,
stuck firmly by his sticky black hair.
He ate a sweet bug
that crawled on his rug;
now he cannot get out of his chair.

Copyright © 2006 By Caryl SMuzzey

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: philosophy,

Cycle Paths

A Black-Widow spider may mate
With her tastiest dinner date
Her children may wonder
If she made a blunder 
Though they cannot wait to test fate!

Poem Details | by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
Categories: fun,

Jesse Lasky

Jesse Lasky met Boris Spasky
                      Musket musk-catty spider husky
                   Lasky's knight cooked Spasky's rook
                      Spasky's queen is spider's spook
                 Bishop stomped heyho where is Cash key ?

Poem Details | by Carol Mitra |
Categories: halloween,

A White Witch

I saw a white witch, a rough rider
Down the path of a Blue moon slider
A night rider on her broom
She glided into the room
And crawled towards me like a spider.

Dated: 12.10.2020
Halloween Inspired Limerick
Lines 1,2, and 5- 9 syllables each
Lines 3 and 4- 7 syllables.

Poem Details | by Charlie Knowlton |
Categories: death, goodbye, insect, murder,

Spider Skeletons

Maybe one hug for the one hundred bugs,
               you ate in my window of bay     
               But now that you`ve eaten,
               your life I`m deleting,
               for your creep will soon crawl my way.

Poem Details | by Robert Gorelick |
Categories: humorous,

Gourmet Grasshopper

A follow-up to Beryl Edmonds
"A Flying Romance" 02/11/24 

Gourmet Grasshopper After the spider made lunch of the fly A curious grasshopper leapt on by He told the fly with gusto I really now must go to dine on my worm and centipede pie!

Poem Details | by Terry Flood |
Categories: drink,


The brewery's apple provider
Saved the manageress from a spider
While having a snog
He fell in the grog
And spent the whole evening in cider

Poem Details | by Shirley Hawkins |
Categories: 10th grade,

Miss Muffet

Do you remember the rhyme, Miss Muffet,
About the little girl that sat on a tuffet,
She didn't run away,
She decided to stay,
She sat on the spider and snuffed it!

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: nursery rhyme,

Little Things Mean a Lot

Her rather quaint cottage in Gwent
Appeared to be quite Heaven-sent
Then down came a spider
That flip-flopped inside her
And hie high ballistic she went!

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: fantasy, insect,

Miss Muffet Comes of Age

She said: 'I think that I shall never see
A thing as ugly as this bug on me
  If I were a spider
  I'd have to hide from her
But it's just a tarantula ~ Whooppee'