Limerick Poems About Louse | Louse Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Phyllis Babcock |
Categories: funny,

Lottery Win

A girl once won a lottery ticket
She cashed it in at the wicket
Shared it with her spouse
Who turned out to be a louse
Spent all the wicked lottery ticket.

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other louse Poems."

Poem Details | by T Wignesan |
Categories: humorous,

Limerick: Once An Airman Who Couldn'T Stand His Wife

Limerick : Once an Airman who couldn’t stand his wife

Once an Airman who couldn’t stand his wife
Was going out of his mind with strife
Took to the clouds with spouse
Called her names like : »Leech ! Louse ! »
Then jumped out plane to sentence for life.

© TWignesan – Paris,  2013.

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: humorous,

Mister Hugaday

There was an old coot named Clyde Hugaday

   Who hugged gals in a most passionate way!

      This didn't please his spouse

         And she warned the old louse

            He'd best shape up or there'd be hell to pay!

Robert LHinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
(c) All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by John Williams |
Categories: humorous,

Ghost Lady

A ghost living in an old lighthouse,
Frightening people, what a louse,
For many years she did reside,
Refusing to budge, no matter what tried,
Until someone introduced a mouse.

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: new year,


The New Year's celebrations are over Back to business as usual, regain our composure No more acting like a louse Being obnoxious around the house No more excuses for acting like our dog Rover © Jack Ellison 2016

Poem Details | by Richard Breese |
Categories: animal, brother, cat, giggle, home, humor, mom,


my brother was such a louse

the tricks he played with a mouse

moms dish collection

and cat connection

got him thrown out of the house.

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: christmas,

Twas the Week Before Christmas

Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house The smell of Jack Daniels has people quite soused Drink and seduce Mary Or Elizabeth or Harry Whatever you persuasion, time to act like a louse

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: humorous,

Mister Hugaday

There was an old coot named Clyde Hugaday,

   Who hugged gals in a most passionate way!

      This didn't please his spouse,

         And she warned the old louse,

            He'd best shape up or there'd be hell to pay!

Entry for Viv Wigley's "Traditional Limerick" Contest

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: political,

Dump Trump Ii

Trump went to church to prey today
The Collection Plate passed his way
Quick as an elf
He helped himself
"Only a fool gives cash away!"

So many people sit and grouse
Our POTUS is a lowlife louse
Let Trump emote!
Get out and vote!
"Trump goes potty at The White House!"

Poem Details | by Shirley Hawkins |
Categories: 10th grade,


On a head, there lived a louse,
It was this itchy louse's house.
Mr Magoo was a mole,
Who lived in a deep, dark hole.
BANG! the head just shot a grouse!

Poem Details | by Mahtab Bangalee |
Categories: funny,

Webcam Shows

Combing bald; thorny teeth direct the louse
On the table moves in time long tail mouse
Anti dandruff calls me
Wig cut by mice fatty 
“No need shampoo” remind the webcam shows

-December 23, 2018 Chattogram

Poem Details | by Tim Riding |
Categories: animal, funny,

Wildlife 21

Wildlife 21

'Schiessy' a German pine marten,
Was creeping around in the 'garten',
His partner, called Klaus
Shouted "Don't be a louse!
Just cut out zat coughing und fartin'!"

Poem Details | by Shirley Hawkins |
Categories: 10th grade,

A Lousy Limerick

If you have a cat in your house
And you also have a mouse
The mouse wouldn't stand a chance
Of living, when that wily cat pranced
Because this cat was a louse.

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: fun,

Hope I'M Close

If I don't get to heaven, hope I'm close Try hard to be a good, at times I'm a louse Not always sweet Sometimes a geek At times my intentions are far too grandiose