Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
body, humorous, insect,
A nudist whose first name was Billy
Got stung by a bee on his willy
It swelled to a great size
One he couldn’t disguise
So he hid by a meadow lily
Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for
poems or see our other
insect Poems."
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
food, humorous, insect,
At picnics Sue's legs are akimbo
No panties, but Sue ain't no bimbo
It keeps pesky flies
Landing on our pies
Our days out are never in limbo!
Your best New Limerick Contest
Sponsored by Tania Kitchin
Poem Details | by
Geoffrey Brewer |
humor, insect,
When God made the beasts, in days of old
It seems He lacked quality control
That surely would veto
The cursed mosquito
And preclude all that itching untold
Poem Details | by
Quintin Reda |
12th grade,
Lunch as an insect in the fog
Flying in a swamp by a log
For a starving toad
Though surely he's slowed
To a speedy tongue of a frog
Poem Details | by
Valsa George |
betrayal, fate, insect,
A fat man while clambering up a tree
To pluck pears was stung by a swarm of bee
Alas! With a heavy thud,
He landed in the dry mud
Bees stung on his limp prick and he couldn’t flee!
Poem Details | by
Paul Schneiter |
humor, insect,
There was a beekeeper named Jives
Who found a rash on his thighs.
The doctor said be at peace,
Nothing to fear in the least.
You simply have too many hives.
Poem Details | by
Carolyn Devonshire |
Don’t forget the insect repellent
Mosquitoes can cause such discontent
These bugs make me itch
Watch me swat and twitch
The cost of “Off” is money well spent
Written April 3, 2014
Poem Details | by
Benya Anivat |
There's a word that is called "mosquito"
When I here it, it's pretty annoying
I think of insects
buzzing round me
and sucking all my blood!
I just won't let this happen
I wouldn't want to itch
could we be friends
and make a deal
and leave each other ALONE!
Poem Details | by
Paul Schneiter |
insect, drug,
In his fancy hotel room James found bed bugs
at first he thought he was on too many drugs.
But they were real, moving about
he wanted to leave, get right out.
But a maid came and swept 'em under the rugs.
Poem Details | by
Ankala Subbarao |
care, death, extended metaphor, insect,
My mom and dad met in the gut of an insect!
As a kid, I was packed in a sac not so perfect;
When I am mature,
I make myself sure
To infect a human when the insect does inject
Poem Details | by
Barbara Gorelick |
There once was a pesky fly
He kept buzzing 'round my eye
I gave him a whack
He fell on his back
Smack in my blueberry pie!
For the Insect contest..
Poem Details | by
Lim'Rik Flats |
humor, insect,
Ellworth Ant thought marching was fun
With his good buddies, one by one
Tail next to nose
Never in rows
But some days the odor would stun
Ellworth Ant wished he could compete
to lead the assembled antfeet
Ellworth surmised
(Being trail-wise)
That, not viewing antass'd be sweet
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
animal, conflict, insect,
A tiny bug landed on Dumbo's nose
Eyed him warily, then stuck in a rose
Dumbo brushed it away
The bug wanted to stay
Dumbo loaded bug spray into 'his hose'
Poem Details | by
Paul Schneiter |
anxiety, insect,
Skids McDaw demanded to have a beard
a desire that some thought weird.
It was ugly, scary
and made people wary
of creatures it hid that they feared.
Poem Details | by
Pat Adams |
humorous, insect, word play,
The bee keeper saw a queen bee on a boulder
He said, "How pretty!", and put it on his shoulder
That's why today
They always say,
"Beauty is in the eye of the bee holder!"
Poem Details | by
Rico Leffanta |
betrayal, character, culture, dog, insect, political, usa,
Donald Trump is an old Plutocrat
Living high on the hog like a gnat
But Disney was first
To notify Hearst
That Pluto's a dog, not a rat!
Poem Details | by
Paul Schneiter |
There was a beekeeper named Floyd
who had thousands of bees deployed.
He neglected their hives
a threat to their lives.
Soon thereafter Floyd became void.
Poem Details | by
Regina Mcintosh |
angst, fear, halloween, holiday, insect, nature, scary,
Whispers of soft breath sliced straight through
The strands of the spider webs glue
Halloween goblins hissed
Mocking spiders they kissed
Excited when the web caught dew
Poem Details | by
Pat Adams |
humorous, insect, word play,
A wood bee only eats wood and it's free
If I said, "That would be the life for me!"
Would I be poetic
Or just pathetic
Or would a would be, wood bee, be what I'd be?
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Those dirty little mosquitoes cause many a virus
Malaria, west nile, yellow fever and elephantiasis
Don't mean to make light
At the last one, I looked twice
Parts of my body could benefit from enlarging twice
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
funny, humor, insect, nature, red,
We are all very hungry so let’s eat.
Ready for some fresh red meat.
I did not know you would go so low.
You are after my big toe.
We are all very hungry so let’s meet
Poem Details | by
Rico Leffanta |
anxiety, depression, insect, international, peace, prayer, religion,
I do not like how bed bugs prey
They feast upon us night and day
Praise God be kind
Grant peace of mind
And blow those blood-suckers away!
Poem Details | by
Line Gauthier |
flying, food, insect, work,
rumble bumblebee in flight
little ball of dynamite
winged pollen hoarder
with your sweet nectar
honey soothes my appetite
AP: Honorable Mention 2020
Posted on October 27, 2018
Poem Details | by
James Edward Lee Sr. |
anxiety, conflict, fishing, insect,
FISHERMAN & Worm Gon Fishin
A Fisherman comes
Reached on the ground
Picks up Itchy-Bitzy worm
That's texting on his phone
Open mouth Catfish sayin yummy
Go on Fisherman drop him
Written words by James Edward Lee Sr.2018©
Poem Details | by
Richard Breese |
cute, funny, giggle, humor, humorous, insect, silly,
charles james collects red ants
despite neighbors angry rants
it is time you quit
even as you sit
hundreds gather in your pants.