Limerick Poems About Horses | Horse Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Michael Wise |
Categories: family, food, horse, humorous,

My Sweet Aunt Mabel

There is my sweet Aunt Mabel
sitting across the table
ever since her divorce
she eats like a horse
so we put her up in a stable

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other horse Poems."

Poem Details | by Bryn Strudwick |
Categories: adventure,

Roy Rogers


Roy Rogers on Trigger his horse
Was a regular tour de force
He made it his quest
To clean up the West
Then end with a love song of course

2nd May 2022
High Noon poetry contest
Sponsor - Joseph May

Poem Details | by Lindsay Laurie |
Categories: horse,

A Winner At Last

I owned a racehorse that was renowned,
as only fit to be knackery bound,
bit it’s not a disgrace,
for it won its first race -
although inside the gut of a greyhound.

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: confusion, friend, horse,

A Filly, Bovine

I knew a filly, thought she was bovine
Whenever she talked, out came this line
   ‘I am man’s best friend’
    This girl would deadpan
'He drinks my milk ~ He is udderly fine'

Poem Details | by Tania Kitchin |
Categories: character, western,


Yellowstone's best is known as Rip
A wild one with a steel hand grip
A cowboy rancher's dream
He makes trespassers scream
A horse trainer so well equipped

Contest: High Noon Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Joseph May

( - 88668 syllable counts)

Poem Details | by Lindsay Laurie |
Categories: word play,

Horse Play

Cornered in a vulnerable position;
kicked and pummeled into submission.
That mad horse had its way,
I lay dazed on the hay,
but am found in a stable condition.

Poem Details | by Skat A |
Categories: adventure, animal, dedication, funny, imagination,

Zoo Unicorn


Seeing the posting of the zoo unicorn
Could not wait to go see his horn
My eyes just could not believe
The boy I had  been deceived
Poor horse got thrown a lot of popcorn

 a Linda-Marie   = (contest) =

Poem Details | by Robert Pettit |
Categories: sports

Horse Racing 100th Poem

Have you been to a race with a horse?
There are many who like them, of course.
Who wins?  We don’t know.
We can win, place, or show.
Any nearby racetrack is the source.

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: horse, humorous,

A Horse-A Horse: My Kingdom For a Horse

A horse!  A horse!  My kingdom for a horse!

Wast penned by The Bard of Avon of course!

Richard's steed Surrey lay dead

Slain by a crossbow 'tis said

Dick pled for another 'til he was hoarse!

Robert LHinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
(c) All Rights Reserved

(Not for the contest)

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: humorous,

Charlie Horse

There once was a feller named Charlie Horse,

   Who was unmercifully teased of course.

      But he took it all in stride,

         With a modicum of pride,

            Damning his zany name 'til he was hoarse!

Robert LHinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
(c) All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by Richard Pickett |
Categories: friendship,

A Poet, Named Robert Dufresne

There is a Poet, named Robert Dufresne,
I laugh at his Poetry until I'm insane
with Brick Townsend, he plays,
a collaborative game
But Bill Lipton's Horse is a pain.

Poem Details | by Kim Shaw |
Categories: horse, humor,

Lord Fartwither's Horse

I must pity Lord Fartwither's horse

as it struggles to just stay the course

both his nostrils he flares

as he bites and he glares

For Lord Fartwithers butt was the source!

Poem Details | by Robert L. Hinshaw |
Categories: cowboy-western,

Bow-Legged Pete

There once was a lanky cowpoke named Pete,

Who, when he walked got tangled in his feet!

He'd spent years ridin' his horse,

Becomin' bow-legged, of course!

Looked like a pair of pliers pacin' the street!

Robert LHinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by T Wignesan |
Categories: crazy, humor,

Limerick: Once a Dark Horse In a Handicap

Limerick : Once a Dark Horse in a handicap

Once a Dark Horse in a handicap
Led head, tail and hoof in the last lap
All eyes on winning post
Cameras clicked the most
Horse lost in the negative, so clap !

© TWignesan – Paris,  2013

Poem Details | by MD Johnson |
Categories: funny, humor, silly, , cute,

I Meant To Say

I said he’s dumb when I meant to say smart
Should have said “she’s cute” instead of “she’s tart” 
  Confusing my words,
  Like one of those nerds
I always put the horse before the cart

Poem Details | by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: funny,

A Dog

A dog went to the vet today He saw a horse eating hay got a fleabite and set alight and asked for an action replay! Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2014 10.16.2014

Poem Details | by John Williams |
Categories: children, funny,

Hungry King

The grand old king of Sweden's  
Appetite needed a lot of feedin,
Two cows and a horse
Were on his main course,
His appetite is no longer needin.

Poem Details | by James Fraser |
Categories: animal, funny, sports,

Highlander Jockey

There once was a Highlander Jockey Like his stallion, brazen and cocky Sorry for being coarse I am hung like my horse So boastful, and all walkie talkie * Written 20/05/14 *

Poem Details | by Mike Roberts |
Categories: funny,

Santa's Discovery

This year dear old Santa Claus
says his sleigh will be drawn by a horse,
for when the crafty old denizen
discovered deer can be venison
he planned to use it as his main course.

Poem Details | by Roy Pett |
Categories: funny, hello, horse, ireland, race,

Grey Diamond

There was a young jockey from Ireland 
Booked to ride the race horse, grey diamond
he wanted to be seen
painted grey diamond green
and kissed the Blarney Stone for Ireland.


Poem Details | by Funom Makama |
Categories: adventure, allusion, life,

Flogging a Dead Horse

To the unknown in outer space, sending a missile
on a wrong direction, problems should go on exile
converting broilers to layers
supported by so much prayers
hoping the mistake will turn out to be a sweet bile.

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: sad,


Tally-ho, the young steeplechase rider cried As his horse stumbled over the barrier he up and died The rider went flying He heard as he lay dying “Welcome cowboy” he heard a voice from the other side © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humorous,

Riding Bareback

Once knew a gal named Juliette Who always wanted to perform a duet On the back of a horse Riding bareback of course Delivering mail for the pony express © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by John Williams |
Categories: funny, humorous,

Grand Canyon Jump

This is an ode to Sally-Jo,
Her silver spurs and the horse she rode,
As their mighty leap slowly unwound
They jumped the Grand Canyon in a single bound,
But it was deemed wind assisted as a hurricane blowed.

Poem Details | by John Williams |
Categories: funny,

My Jenny Horse

Now I think I have to concede
My Jenny horse eats too much feed,
Loves her chaff, loves fresh grass,
But through the barn door she can't pass,
Clearly a case of food stampede..