Limerick Poems About Goat | Goat Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Tim Ryerson |
Categories: adventure, funny

Brody and Quint

This old sea-rig is swamped and don't float
I TOLD you we'd need a bigger boat!
Now you are HIS prize
Sure ain't no surprise
That you're fish-food, you hard-headed goat!

"Jaws" - 1975

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other goat Poems."

Poem Details | by Michael Smith |
Categories: imagination, nature, satire,

Goat Cheese Boat

There once was a man,
Who carved him a boat.
It was out of the cheese,
That he milked from his goat.
The first one he failed,
So he made him a note.
Never use Swiss,
Because it won’t float!

Poem Details | by Wilma Neels |
Categories: people

The Fastidious Goat

A born disciplinarian
Should have been a librarian
Shame about her crazy wit
Not everyone understands that bit
An avid libertarian… 

Contest: Zodiac Race
Placed: 8th

Poem Details | by Olusegun Arowolo |
Categories: animals, funny,

The He-Goat

He-goat said"Mum place yourself for mounting"
She frowned that he has no fear for Dad`s thing,
Not afraid of Daddy`s hit,
He`s prepared for this fast fit,
ready to use condom for this kicking.

Poem Details | by Tom Wright |
Categories: animal, pets,


Billy Written: by Tom Wright 2/9/2016 I once had a Billy Goat, past tense, That feeding made very little sense. So I sold him of course, And had little remorse, For I couldn’t keep him in the fence

Poem Details | by Roy Pett |
Categories: animal, sick,

Poorly Giraffe

Lofty was a very large giraffe 
he got ill from standing in a draught,
got a very sore throat 
and sounded like a goat
funny to see a giraffe look daft.

Contest funny poem for a seven year old
Sponsored by Kevin Shaw.

Poem Details | by T Wignesan |
Categories: humorous,

Limerick: Once a Bengal Tigress Supped On a Goat

Limerick : Once a Bengal Tigress supped on a Goat

Once a Bengal Tigress supped on a Goat
The horns – pardon – got stuck in her throat
A Dentist pulled one out
The other by a Scout
Now – sad to say – Both made her bloat.

© TWignesan – Paris,  2013

Poem Details | by Poet. Undertaker |
Categories: humor,

Doss, the Boss

Once there was a good man called Doss, the Boss
scape goat for all, tried even by all idiot asses
no idiot will see him as intellect nor ass
all see some dimension of ignorance
bloody what ignorance could an ignorant see in doss?

Poem Details | by Tom Wright |
Categories: animal,

Its Butchering Time

It’s Butchering Time By Tom Wright I once watched a long-haired goat, In a race for its life with a shoat The goat stuck out his chin, And by whiskers did it win, And then had the audacity to gloat.

Poem Details | by Jean Murray |
Categories: anxiety, loss,

Billy the Goat

My neighbour's goat is called Billy.
He is starting to drive me silly.
He keeps nibbling my bush.
If I give him a douche.
He might stop then, will he??

Poem Details | by Sidney Hall Mad Poet |
Categories: funny

Anatomy of Goats

There was a man from Gloat
He snuck behind a goat
He had a bit of pot
Flanked the animals blind spot
Roger rammed it up to it’s throat

Poem Details | by Joseph May |
Categories: animal,

Hilly Billy

I had a goat whose name was Billy
who grazed in places that were hilly
he never complained
in sunshine or rain
and he even ate all of the lilies

But one day Billy got into the pot
and then he stumbled around like a sot
He ate all my weed
he was greedy indeed
 So now he is stewing with the carrots

Poem Details | by William Robinson |
Categories: children, funny, people,

Dust Buster

Super rodeo star, Buster Tyding,
Has, reportedly, gone into hiding.
Seems he fractured his pride,
Landing on his backside,
When thrown by the goat he was riding.

Poem Details | by Shirley Hawkins |
Categories: 10th grade,

Rocking and Rolling

It's not very nice to gloat
When anybody rocks somebodies boat,
But some people are bad
And I am glad,
When it's Trump's, a senile old goat!

Poem Details | by Larry Bradfield |
Categories: humorous,

A Confession

I confessed to a priest of some note
That last night I made love to a goat
He said,"Son, that is bold,
and it's good for the soul -
But it's more load than I care to tote."


Poem Details | by Coral Urbina |
Categories: animal, dance, funny, humorous, song,

Billy Bob Brown

There once was a goat named Billy Bob Brown

Who sang horribly off-key when he danced through town

One day while singing, someone grabbed a long pole,

And pushed Billy Bob into a large hole,

Now Billy Bob no longer sings as he dances around.

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, animal,

If I Was a Rocky Mountain Goat

If I was a Rocky Mountain Goat
I would wear a furry overcoat.
I would walk rocks
Ignore all clocks
And jump off cliffs onto river boats.

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: animal, culture, earth, farm, motivation, music, success,

Dolly Parton's Neighbours

A tenant farmer strummed one note
That some would argue Chopin wrote
Neighbours heard that sound
And plowed up his ground
Monotony sure got their goat!

Poem Details | by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: animal, passion, sound,


There once was a nanny,* lived in New Guinea
She's spot her billy, O would she whinny
   She'd kick up her feet
   And then she would bleat
She'd curl the hair on his chin-chin-chinny

*A nanny is a female goat

Poem Details | by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: animal, farm,

Carolina Calling

Poised on a farm in Carolina Not labeling yields “made in China” There lived a cow and goat With milk they couldn’t promote Because their best milk caused angina Funny, Bawdy or Humorous Limerick Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin May 14, 2023

Poem Details | by Jeff Kyser |
Categories: humorous, jesus,

Fish and Chips

When Jesus stopped in for a bite, The barkeep near fell out with fright: “I’ve got some goat cheese, But no fish and chips, please! Last time, that was it for the night!”

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 1st grade, children,

Goofball Named Larvin

There once was a goofball  named Larvin
He lived on a race track in Marchin.
he laughed like a big goat,
With a sore, coughy throat,
That scared all the kids in Ak-Sar-Ben

Poem Details | by Alfred Berggren |
Categories: humor,

New Haven

There once was a short man from New Haven
with collection of stamps he’d been sav’en
He put out on display
Neighbor's goat came his way
and chewed up stamps with much misbehav’en

Poem Details | by Ann Peck |
Categories: 12th grade, christmas, funny, holiday, youth,

Baaad Sleigh Day

Expected Rudolph since he holds some sway
for pulling Santa's exceptional sleigh
           However, Rudy's sore throat
           Necessitated Bill Goat
who dined on gifts, burped Happy Holiday!

November 19, 2022
A Fun Holiday Limerick contest
by Tania Kitchin

Poem Details | by Tim Riding |
Categories: animal, funny,

Wildlife 40

Wildlife 40

A goat who lived down on the farm,
Was renowned for her good looks and charm,
But she felt rather silly,
When she bumped into Billy,
Who leapt up in utter alarm.