Poem Details | by
Jesse Rowe |
bird, food, funny,
They said how she ate was absurd;
A "Fatso", they called her she heard,
And ever since then
That poor, baby wren
Just pecked at her food like a bird.
Contest: Any Animal or Creature Limerick
Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for
poems or see our other
food Poems."
Poem Details | by
Paul Callus |
To the diner Mac went for a meal
Where he ordered two helpings of veal.
All he had was one dime
Could not pay! What a crime!
Washing-up was the fairest MacDeal
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Limerick Contest
Sponsor: Cecelia Hopkins-Drewer
Placed 4th
© 2nd June 2017
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
celebration, food, thanksgiving, thanksgiving day,
Today it is Thanksgiving Day
For all dead turkey’s I do pray
That you had a good life
Now you’re carved with a knife
Served on a plate as the entrée
Have a great Thanksgiving folks!
26th November 2015
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
food, humorous,
I’m trying a new ‘see food’ diet
I’d recommend that you all try it
Any food will do
Nothing’s bad for you..
It's no wonder my trousers don’t fit!
Written 18th February
Posted on 23rd February
Poem Details | by
Paul Callus |
He phoned the village bakery
And ordered a delivery
Loads and loads of tasty pies
Ate them all but at a price
He spent the night in misery.
Contest: Plentitude of Pies
Sponsor: Sheri Fresonke Harper
Poem Details | by
Hannah Everett |
art, dog, food, sister,
My sister likes to doodle
I thought she drew a noodle
She gave me a glare
And tugged at my hair
And told me t'was a poodle.
Poem Details | by
John Smith |
Block of Neapolitan Ice Cream;
to my diet, a scream in a dream
Chocolate, strawberry
and vanilla; very
delicious Then I bust out a seam.
Poem Details | by
Cheryl Hoffman |
childhood, food, humor,
Waking up for school was hard enough,
still half asleep not ready for the bus,
breakfast on the dot,
snap, crackle and pop,
noisy Rice Krispy's helping us wake up.
Poem Details | by
John Watt |
boy, food, mother, mother son, teenage,
When I was a teen, I would munch
My way through the whole Sunday brunch.
I'd destroy that buffet,
Then as we walked away,
I would ask my poor mother, "When's lunch?"
Poem Details | by
Cheryl Hoffman |
food, technology, time,
When at home its often fast food I crave,
might even be leftovers that I saved,
always in a race,
open and shut case,
thank God for my nuke everything microwave!
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
food, humorous, insect,
At picnics Sue's legs are akimbo
No panties, but Sue ain't no bimbo
It keeps pesky flies
Landing on our pies
Our days out are never in limbo!
Your best New Limerick Contest
Sponsored by Tania Kitchin
Poem Details | by
Pat Adams |
baseball, food, humor, imagery, word play,
With Baseball hotdogs on the run
Caught up in, excitement and fun
Watch where you go
Before you know
You might slip and fall on your bun!
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
farm, food,
Poor old Farmer McGillicuddy
He’s somewhat of a fuddy-duddy
He plows with an ox
All progress he blocks
No wonder his corn tastes so cruddy
Poem Details | by
Michael Wise |
family, food, horse, humorous,
There is my sweet Aunt Mabel
sitting across the table
ever since her divorce
she eats like a horse
so we put her up in a stable
Poem Details | by
Rico Leffanta |
Jan's cucumber* got quite a spin
From a lady who did not like men
It worked like a charm
And caused her no harm
But got dumped in the rubbish bin
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
food, humorous,
Bill’s cucumbers grew long and hard
Nuns queued up for them in his yard
‘Twas their weekly treat…
They were not to eat
I’ll finish here… or I’ll get barred!
Poem Details | by
Wren Rushing |
animal, food, humor,
In my soup I could have sworn I saw a shark.
Swimming in roux that was rather dark.
But to my relief,
the fin a bay leaf.
Now I wear glasses before each meal I start.
Poem Details | by
Jan Allison |
age, clothes, food, memory,
My elderly auntie named Dot
her memory’s going to pot
For she served me raw food
and was totally nude
A dinner I’ve never forgot
Poem Details | by
Beryl Edmonds |
desire, food,
It’s Donut Day in the USA
Forget the dieting for today
Sugary and sweet
And rough on one’s teeth
For just one day don’t fret o’er decay.
Poem Details | by
James Horn |
allegory, analogy,
Food To Feed Separate from Weed
Morning Has Broken and so has each seed;
Become food to feed separate from weed,
They found,
On ground,
Which was required that they surely need.
My main goal is to motivate others
to write poetry..
Jim Horn
Poem Details | by
Rico Leffanta |
I could not see anything wrong
With getting a tan in a thong
But it made Jan ruffle
when it failed to muffle
Spicy chili con carne pong
Poem Details | by
Linda Alice Fowler |
dream, food, fun, funny, humorous, silly, sweet,
Split my banana and stuff it with cream
top with tantalizing treats to extreme
nuts and silky sweetened balls
gooey toppings form seawalls
nothing left out of a lover's wet dream
Poem Details | by
Paula Goldsmith |
animal, food, fun, giggle, sick, uplifting, world,
in a flash Santa took off
he has a case of whooping cough
the reindeer are wired
now hungry and tired
they say it is time for beef stroganoff
Poem Details | by
Duke Beaufort |
It's not a dessert-worthy treat
But something disgusting to eat
If not rightly mixed
Pin-rolled and affixed
Your pie crust will taste like concrete
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
animal, food, funny, giggle,
Porky Pig once stopped by my butcher shoppe
Pig was not looking for any old slop
He searched high and low
Meat tasted like crow
'Please, Elmer, one pound of strings from your mop’