Poem Details | by
Paul Callus |
As I was walking in the snow
I was accosted by a crow
It did not like my face
I ran and it gave chase
Amused onlookers watched the show.
For a contest hosted by Kevin Shaw
21st February, 2018
Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for
poems or see our other
crow Poems."
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
If we can't see atoms, are we sure they exist
All the experts say yes, in fact, they insist
These invisible devils
Confuse our brain pebbles
Will I kill a bunch if I smash down my fist?
Poem Details | by
Rico Leffanta |
The man who came out second-best
Was forever puffing his chest
So Eve let him know,
"Before you can crow,
It takes plumes to feather a nest!"
Poem Details | by
Gershon Wolf |
animal, food, funny, giggle,
Porky Pig once stopped by my butcher shoppe
Pig was not looking for any old slop
He searched high and low
Meat tasted like crow
'Please, Elmer, one pound of strings from your mop’
Poem Details | by
Afolabi Muideen |
age, allegory, assonance,
A man was happy to seeing the stars show
He marked to trip when they fully glow
He set his ladder up the sky
But a pity the sky is high
And he said, I've to eat crow
Eat crow: be humiliated by having to admit one's defeats or mistakes.
Poem Details | by
William Robinson |
animals, children, funny, people, red,
A noisy, Rhode Island Red rooster
Awoke, from his dreams, Simon Schuster.
Simon got mad as heck
And adjusted Red's neck.
Now Red doesn't crow like he uster.
Poem Details | by
Poet. Undertaker |
Once there was a man called Jack, the crow
this crow wanted to be called as “clever crow”
believed “I am fox, the shrewd”
exploited "values misunderstood"
bloody jack is no “first citizen” but “esteemed citizen” now!
Poem Details | by
Jimmy Anderson |
There once was a super bowl hero.
Who knew that he fiddled like Nero.
But Rome didn't burn.
His team did by durn.
All the way to the playoffs ate crow.
For Royal Trevinos "Super Bowl" contest.
Poem Details | by
Richard Breese |
bird, giggle, hilarious, humor, humorous, raven, silly,
once an old raven named moe
wanted to be a young crow
friends did surmise
he'd end up in pies
so flew him away in tow.
Poem Details | by
Dorian Petersen Potter |
animal, bird, funny, humor, humorous, poetry, poets,
I once heard a knock at my door
And there was a crow repeating "No more"
I was so taken aback
I hit him with a rack
And sent him crashing right on the floor!
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Life's a bowl of cherries as the old saying goes
So flap those ears and wiggle your nose
Laugh at the bad stuff
Giggle at the glad stuff
Stick out your chest and caw like a crow
© Jack Ellison 2015
Poem Details | by
Robert L. Hinshaw |
bird, humorous,
My neighbor owned a rooster on his lot
That woke me at four each dawn on the dot
Recently, I haven't heard
Crowing from that boorish bird
l I pray he was tossed in a boiling pot
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
life, love,
Life's a bowl of cherries as the old saying goes
So flap those ears and wiggle your nose
Laugh at the bad stuff
Giggle at the glad stuff
Stick out your chest and caw like a crow
© Jack Ellison 2015
Poem Details | by
Renee Kelly |
life, work
After so many years working remotely
For the sake of my kids and family
It is glorious to know
Of my expertise I can crow
And our cash flow has increased most radically!
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Give a crow a challenge, they show off their brain power
Smartass birds, smarter than your average rooster
Brains figure it out
Really no doubt
Watched their unbelievable feats, amazed by the hour
Poem Details | by
George Aul |
I dropped a huge boulder on my big toe
let out a yell that sounded like a crow,
so while the blood squirted out
I kept jumping all about...
I thought for sure feathers would start to grow!
Poem Details | by
CayCay Jennings |
As I walked thru glistening, deep snow
A crow swooped and pecked a strike combo
Upon my shocked and cold nose
I returned snowballs well froze
Downed crows sure can chicken dance in snow
Robert Haigh's Limerick Contest
February 21, 2018
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
A flock of crows is known as a murder
Murder a crow and it'll not cause a murmur
In the scheme of things
They caw, they don't sing
Serve no purpose they're just poop disturbers
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and Perry Como
Crooners from way back when, quite a long time ago
Today's hullabaloo
Don't know who's who
Guess you could say I'm an old over the hill crow
Poem Details | by
Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Yum! Chicken
There was an old man a long time ago
He starved all the way to El Dorado
Then, he bought a few chickens.
They were so finger lickin’
He happily laughed ‘til he started to crow!
© Dane Smith-Johnsen
March 7, 2010
Poetic form: Limerick
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Life's a bowl of cherries as the old saying goes
So flap those ears and wiggle your nose
Laugh at the bad stuff
Giggle at the glad stuff
Stick out your chest and caw like a crow
Poem Details | by
Anthony Biaanco |
abuse, student,
Teachers are supposed to be polishing gems.
but instead, are cracking the gloaming of innocents
Judging children by their race
when all they want to do is to play.
Jim crow is cawing for souls once again.
Poem Details | by
Caren Krutsinger |
4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, funny,
There once was an owl name of Lash.
He hid all his toys in the trash.
Along came a crow
He stopped and said “whoa!”
And stole every bit of the cache.
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Smart as a crow..REALLY??? Are you serious?
Maybe you've been drinking some spiked V8, you sound delirious
Just watching a nature channel
Bout habits of birds and mammals
Realize we're all animals except we eat in cafeterias
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Crows are it when it comes to brains
They blow me away, their intelligence is plain
Check out their feats
Only missing speech
Sidestep obstacles for a crow that's insane