Poem Details | by
Duke Beaufort |
courage, death, hindi,
Who knew the exact time and how
The day came for my play's final bow?
The span was compact
I ran for just one act
The encore - now as sacred cow
Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for
poems or see our other
courage Poems."
Poem Details | by
Eve Roper |
She rises, my little girl, a small crown
Of blooms, purple jumper, and white blouseDown
Town, she holds a yellow, blue
Flag on broom stick and walks through
Stepping on toy tanks she found all around.
Poem Details | by
Mohamed Omar |
There was a girl, of I thought
I loved her so much, a ring I bought
Thinking of happy marriage
To propose I summed up all my courage
Unfortunately, she wasn’t ready to tie the knot.
Poem Details | by
Vera Duggan |
age, conflict, courage, death, soldier, war,
It's Anzac Day today
Or lads were sent away
To fight a war
And what the hell for
Because they had to pay
Poem Details | by
Mark J. Halliday |
age, computer, courage, music, technology,
There was a disabled musician
Who stiffly played every audition.
Now recording with care,
Strumming from his armchair,
On youtube he’ll post each composition.
20141113 for limerick contest
Poem Details | by
Lycia Harding |
adventure, courage, fear, growth, life,
"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of
fear -- not absence of fear." - Mark Twain
A courageous old knight found that there'd
still come times when anxiety flared
but he'd learned through the years
that to conquer one's fears,
one must not be afraid to be scared
Poem Details | by
Ralph Sergi |
There once was a man who was fearless
Confronting a fear he could care less
His courage was there
Like Samson with hair
Except on his head he was hairless
Courage-Andrea Dietrich Contest
July 4, 2015
Poem Details | by
Joe Maverick |
adventure, courage,
A man without a job
Had scarce to fill his gob
Scanning the press did See
Much work in jeopardy..'
So his pack; on back did lob.
He'd take train to short supply
Where time; was stacked up high.'
As a man of Limerick town
He was never feeling down
For t'was surely worth the try!
Poem Details | by
Elliot Sutton |
Secret Asian agent potato man
can do wait a Secret Asian agent potato can
He climbed a hill
which and the mill
Then fell down and skinned his man peel
Poem Details | by
T Wignesan |
courage, humorous,
Limerick: Once a fierce Samurai from Xi Ban Guo
Once a fierce Samurai from Xi Ban Guo
Displayed his sword-play in a tornado
But his sword slipped hands
And entered his ampersands*
So now he limps about incognito.
• In fact, I really mean: §
© TWignesan – Paris, 2013
Poem Details | by
Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
bullying, courage,
I once knew a poet named Upma,
People laughed as she wrote on karma,
Critics inked their dreary wit,
She egressed emotive shit,
On the go, now tries pen on dharma.
Written Feb 25th, 2016
For contest "Sensitive commenting" by Linda
Poem Details | by
Hilo Poet |
adventure, allegory, anti bullying, confidence, courage, inspirational, war,
Goliath, a boastful huge giant,
And David, a shepherd and pliant,
So he took a stone,
And crushed his head bone,
Then Israel roared like a lion.
Poem Details | by
Duke Beaufort |
courage, proposal, silly, space, visionary,
Here’s a thought that could be pursued
For the Scotts who would be tattooed
It is the new fad
To ink a kilt that's plaid
Around parts not normally viewed
Author's note: Thanks to Kelly in Old Town's (Va) restaurant for the inspirationYou are a fantastic server.
Poem Details | by
Wendy Watson |
courage, hair, silly,
A bald-headed man from Jamaica
Attempted to scale a sky-scraper
From his hospital bed
He was heard to have said
‘I was seeking a hair-raising caper!
Bite Size Poem No.42 Poetry Contest
Sponsor :Line Gautier
Poem Details | by
Christian Childs |
adventure, character, courage, desire,
There was once a fellow named Bill
Who mastered an unusual skill
The skill was dope
It involved rope
Which pulled him up the hill
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Must be quite strong and take winter in stride
Rugged Canadian winters are hard to describe
The lack of old sol
Main reason we fall
In a funk till the springtime and the robins arrive
© Jack Ellison 2016
Poem Details | by
Pat Adams |
courage, poems, satire, simple,
When it comes to these little rhymes
Being vague is the worst of all crimes
Don't mess around
Stand your ground
That's what I always say sometimes!
Poem Details | by
Harry Horsman |
I am ‘eebygum’ the circus clown
who’s face when working a painted frown,
without suffers stage fright
courage returns each night,
when this queen wears his improvised crown
© Harry J Horsman 2012
Poem Details | by
Funom Makama |
abuse, africa, character, community, courage, society,
Taking a step comes with a mind hard boiled
simple results come with body so soiled
despite life’s onanisms
some are full organisms
adapting to the heat to be well coiled.
Poem Details | by
Funom Makama |
character, courage, dark, sick,
Amidst strong foes, in real, he plays the hang
disturbing a hive to trouble the gang
one on a town to sweep
ride on sea with a jeep
placing the hand on a poisonous fang.
Poem Details | by
Jack Ellison |
Scheduled to have a blood sample taken
A big sissy I've become, start sweating and shakin'
It's just not right
It's Dracula like
It ain't human to stick a needle into someone's bacon
Poem Details | by
Tom Valles |
corruption, courage, destiny, leadership, political, strength, usa,
What does it take to drain a swamp?
A weakling or someone with strength and pomp?
How deep in the mire must this one go
To effect a change from the muck we know?
To drain a swamp, takes grit and a STOMP!
Poem Details | by
Richard Breese |
adventure, age, america, confidence, courage, giggle, humor,
thunder clouds you go away
come around another day
no rain or bellow
for this old fellow
weatherman its pancakes day.
Poem Details | by
Funom Makama |
adventure, business, courage, fate, freedom, fruit, visionary,
Situations of life on goodwill may abrade
each stroke and fall, bringing out a lower grade
a cracker Jack
to welcome back
carving out an attraction from the same trade.
Poem Details | by
Jack Horne |
The house is as fresh as a drain -
the toilet is blocked yet again -
but 'nature arose'
and holding my nose,
I prayed as I yanked on the chain...
written 5th June for Tania's limerick contest