Limerick Poems About Chicken | Chicken Limerick Poems
Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: sea,

Charlie's New Ballad - No More Chicken of the Sea

The lawsuit by StarKist is valid.
Their long time promoter’s new ballad
warns fish to stay clear
of fisherman’s pier,
or end up in somebody’s salad!

Oldie For Carolyn Devonshire's Sea Tales Limericks 

Entered Nov 20, 2020 for  the 'QUIN-TO your five line' Poetry Contest

Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other chicken Poems."

Poem Details | by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: money,

Beware the Ides of April

Can't follow 1040 instructions?
Need help claiming all those deductions?
Trump knows what you need
Is not chicken feed
But his lawyers skilled in seductions

Poem Details | by Theresa Cw |
Categories: fun,

Chicken Little

Chicken Little

Did you know that Chicken Little was not a man but a woman?
She wanted to always to feel like a part of someone's finest fan
Her fully rounded rump
Sure kept mighty frump
Now Chicken Little might think she's a figment of a con-man.

Written: July 15, 2015

Poem Details | by Reason A. Poteet |
Categories: humor, spring,

Spring Chicken


There was a spring chicken named Brewster.
He was the school’s number one booster,
      but this spring he forward-sprang
      from the girls’ room overhang.
Now he’s called - the naughty old rooster.

Poem Details | by John Smith |
Categories: animals,

Chicken Soup

I chase him round the hen house; gape on, 
hens I picture hot chicken soup on 
I put on spectacles, 
cut off his testicles; 
now, use-ter be rooster's my capon.

Poem Details | by Ivee Bryant |
Categories: funny,

German Shepherd

There once was a German Shepherd
Who liked to act like a leopard
He went to get a chicken, 
But it went a kickin’
And then they both got peppered.

Poem Details | by Rhea Daniel Dear |
Categories: school,

My, My, What the Sickens

The story of school starting is here
It began with a bell and a cheer
Bob brought a talking chicken
My, my, what the sickens
Harridan Teacher silenced them with fear

Poem Details | by Andrew Battaglino |
Categories: funny, humor,

Football Fan

There once was a football fan from Philly
     Who was known for being very silly
      During the Eagles Super Bowl win
      He dipped his chicken wings in gin
   And gulped down Bud Light, dilly dilly

Poem Details | by Tom Cunningham |
Categories: food, funny,

Chicken Dinner

A farmer fancied some chicken for dinner
A fat cockerel he spied sure was a winner
He sharpened his knife
To end cockerels life
Cockerel wished that he'd been a bit thinner.

Inspired by Jan Allisons poem   Cluck Off

Poem Details | by Kash Poet |
Categories: food, funny,

My Favourite Dish

Currently my favourite dish
is not mutton,chicken or fish
a soup of poetry
it's delicious, cost free
and I'm tasting  it with great relish.

Poem Details | by Winged Warrior |
Categories: fun, humorous, silly,

Man With a Bucket

There once was a man with a bucket
Who had a chicken in it to pluck it
But he said with a grin
Maybe I’ll fill it with gin
So he threw the chicken away and said _______   ____!@#@%!

Happy April Fools Day
From (:^WW^:)

Poem Details | by Paul Schneiter |
Categories: humorous,

Holy Yolks

A chicken farmer belittled native folks.
He said their beliefs were akin to jokes.
The natives put a curse on him
He laughed and called it a whim.
Until his chickens had eggs minus yolks.

Poem Details | by Ajani Ibrahim |
Categories: food, funny, mum,


Yeah! Dinner at my home is set at nine
Please don't come, mum would freak, and dad would whine
Chicken and chips
My lil bro weeps
And mum says 'dude get him a glass of wine'

Poem Details | by Modupe Sefunmi |
Categories: funny,

A Grouchy Grouch

Once I saw an oddly grouchy grouch,
grousing away on an old couch,
gaping menacingly,
as I eat happily,
my juicy chicken soupy lunch.

Poem Details | by Isaiah Zerbst |
Categories: animal, car, natural disasters,

Chicken Crossing

A chicken one day went out walking
But chicken was too busy talking
He walked on the road
And then he got mowed
Poor chicken then ceased all his bawking

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: fun,

Mary Had a Little Chicken

Mary had a little lamb, she also had a chicken It's little beak hurt, but not as much as the lamb's kickin' Imagine now If she had a cow Oh my love sure would go out to this munchkin © Jack Ellison 2015

Poem Details | by Jack Ellison |
Categories: fun,

A Restaurant Discount

Had a chicken dinner in a restaurant last night Asked the waitress for discount coz we were so nice She looked quite amazed Figured I was a bit crazed Said, “Pay or the cops will be crawling the place”

Poem Details | by Poet. Undertaker |
Categories: humor,

Bang Roseu the Bossu

Once there was a don called “Bang roseu”
His policy “vocabulary I bang when I speaku”
“Mutton, chicken coming going” he say 
“All roam like goats, dogs and hen” to say 
Bloody this boss is a guardian saint of education! bang roseu!

Poem Details | by Jill Eisnaugle |
Categories: health,

Flu Symptoms

The coughing, the headaches, the sneezing
This flu bug is not at all pleasing
I’m down with the croup
So, I’ll drink chicken soup
and pray the soup high ends my wheezing

Poem Details | by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
Categories: fun,

Sully and Meenie

Sully loves the classic chicken roasts 
‘A perfect dozen a day’, he boasts 
Meenie loves milk 
Foods of that ilk 
‘Cat is lesser animal’, he posts 

Sully/Sullivan= my pet ghost who lives in a rain tree 
Meenie=my pet female cat

Poem Details | by Mike Youds |
Categories: funny,

Scan Der Navy An

“In Sweden”, our host did proclaim
“We all eat a whole lot of game
Not chicken or goose
But reindeer and moose
And we eat it with no sense of shame”

Poem Details | by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
Categories: fun, funny,

Who Is In the Kitchen

Who is in the kitchen? 
                                        Me, a  smile bewitchin'
                                               Sniffs oven
                                     Chicken breasts are switchin'

Poem Details | by Charles Henderson |
Categories: funny

Chicken Fried

There was a young redneck from Chapel Hill
He was good at cooking up quite a meal
While known near and far
For stewed alligator gar
His specialty was chicken fried road kill 

© Mar 13 2010      Charles Henderson

Poem Details | by Bill Baker |
Categories: animal, confusion, dad, funny, silly,

The Chicken Plucker

Dad ordered a chicken to pluck,
in the end he had some bad luck.
Ready for the task.
He got not as ask,
not a dead chicken, a live duck!

Poem Details | by Margaret Foster |
Categories: funny

Lumpty Bumpty

Lumpty Bumpty

There once was an egg called humpty

He was fat and round and dumpty

Then one day he fell

And shattered his shell

And now he’s a chicken called lumpty